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Tips from Special Education Teachers to help Homeschooling

Homeschooling can be difficult for all families; even more so when a child has a disability or Special Educational Needs. Here are some tips and guidance from Special Education Specialists to make the experience easier.

  • Create routines

Students with special needs often thrive off of structure and consistent routines. Set up a daily schedule while students are learning at home. This will help them feel comfortable.

  • Use materials you already have at home

Teach new words by asking children to find objects around the house. Children are likely to say and remember the name of the object. Talk to your children and ask them questions about what they see.

Help them learn to become more independent with things like preparing their own meal, cleaning, and laundry. Set up a quick checklist in your home and tackle one task at a time.

  • Understand their feelings

Students cannot learn if they’re so stressed with world events that it’s all they can think about. Students with autism especially struggle to understand and cope with change. This causes them anxiety, which may manifest as difficult behaviors. Talking with children about their feelings, and giving extra time to calm, will reduce negative feelings and actions. Both you and the student will feel better about homeschooling. 

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